Recently completed, this six-unit scheme exploits a contemporary residential design to provide well lit, generous living accommodation in a quiet corner of a busy town.

Designed around the gardens within its central site behind a terrace of shops; a simple material pallet, generous glazed double doors in a brick elevation and dormer style windows framed by a standing seam roof above; each flat is set comfortably within the site. The integrated landscaping, footpaths and bin enclosures with parking spaces adjoining the service road add to the feeling of space on a confined plot.

A challenging site to plan for housing and to develop, with neighbours to accommodate and a small two-storey timber residential building adjoining one boundary, a park and a curtilage listed wall, this project is a classic case study highlighting the potential urban development has to improve brown field sites.

The vehicular access to the site is privately owned and positioned to the rear of a terrace of shops. The site was formerly occupied by terraced cottages in the 1950s, and subsequently, a council car park then left vacant for several years. Planning permission was granted, and four planning conditions officially discharged and building regulations submitted and negotiated through with Harrow Council.